
伊娃 is the Commonwealth of Virginia’s web-based procurement tool designed to enhance the efficiency of the procurement process. Utilization of 伊娃 is required for purchasing transactions greater than $5,000.

如《 参观委员会政策1627:采购报告豁免, 大学将利用伊娃作为其主要采购工具, 辅之以小额购物记帐卡(PCard). 所有超过5,000美元的采购交易必须输入伊娃.

报名参加培训课程或了解更多信息,请访问 采购服务及培训 网页.

培训 & 指导

的 伊娃用户指南 is a manual that serves as a step-by-step guide on how to place an order through 伊娃. 它包括如何:

  • 登录伊娃
  • 创建采购申请单
  • 添加行项目
  • 添加供应商
  • 从合同中订购
  • 添加配置
  • 检查审批流程
  • 和更多的!

    的 伊娃 & 接收培训手册 提供伊娃计划的概述,包括以下信息:

    • 伊娃的目的和大学的采购政策
    • Banner的伊娃交易
    • 验证供应商是否在Banner供应商表和伊娃数据库中
    • 快速报价请求
    • 采购订单(PO)类别
    • 开发采购申请单
    • ETF采购订单
    • 采购申请状态
    • 更改订单/修改
    • 横幅eReceiving

    的 ETF流程指引 is a step-by-step instructional form to guide you through the ETF procedure.


    • Components of a system should be entered on separate line items of the purchase order with the exception of software. Any related software should be noted with cost on the same line item as equipment.
    • Each line item should reference the corresponding ETF authorization number for the system.


    • ETF的物品, with the exception of equipment that requires installation and/or calibration, 必须交付给ODU物业控制. 请参阅ETF流程指南中的“发送到”地址部分.
    • Final delivery location shall be included in the overall PO comment section on the PR. Please see On Campus 'Deliver To' Address section in the ETF流程指引.

    All 伊娃 Purchase Orders require the entry of a purchase order (PO) category. Purchase order categories are entered on the 'Add Title' screen of the 伊娃 purchase requisition in the PO Category field. 下面列出了正确使用PO类别的指南.

    • R01 -程序: Should be used for all routine purchases with the exception of the exempt categories orders (see Exempt Category List below).
    • S01 -唯一来源: 应该只用于单一来源采购吗 超过$10,000.
    • E01 -紧急情况: 应该只用于紧急购买吗.
    • X02 -豁免条款: Should be used for purchases for one of the 伊娃 exempt categories listed below.

    的 following 采购 Types are for use in the "Header Section" of ALL requisitions and will be a required field. 的 采购 Transaction Type should be selected to best fit the overall purchase on your requisition. 的re will be situations where requisitions include a mix of products and services, in these cases we need to determine the 'over all' purchase or use the 50% Rule.

    • 建设
    • 合作采购
    • 能效
    • 设备-非技术
    • 设备-技术
    • 格兰特的机会
    • 公路建设
    • 进口
    • 非采购或其他
    • 非专业服务-非技术
    • 非专业服务-技术
    • PPEA /项目前期技术援助
    • 印刷
    • 专业服务
    • 专业服务-与建筑有关
    • 不动产
    • 物料供应-非科技
    • 供应-科技
    • 盈余

    的 伊娃用户指南 is a manual that serves as a step-by-step guide on how to place an order through 伊娃. 它包括如何:

    • 登录伊娃
    • 创建采购申请单
    • 添加行项目
    • 添加供应商
    • 从合同中订购
    • 添加配置
    • 检查审批流程
    • 和更多的!

      的 伊娃 & 接收培训手册 提供伊娃计划的概述,包括以下信息:

      • 伊娃的目的和大学的采购政策
      • Banner的伊娃交易
      • 验证供应商是否在Banner供应商表和伊娃数据库中
      • 快速报价请求
      • 采购订单(PO)类别
      • 开发采购申请单
      • ETF采购订单
      • 采购申请状态
      • 更改订单/修改
      • 横幅eReceiving

      的 ETF流程指引 is a step-by-step instructional form to guide you through the ETF procedure.


      • Components of a system should be entered on separate line items of the purchase order with the exception of software. Any related software should be noted with cost on the same line item as equipment.
      • Each line item should reference the corresponding ETF authorization number for the system.


      • ETF的物品, with the exception of equipment that requires installation and/or calibration, 必须交付给ODU物业控制. 请参阅ETF流程指南中的“发送到”地址部分.
      • Final delivery location shall be included in the overall PO comment section on the PR. Please see On Campus 'Deliver To' Address section in the ETF流程指引.

      All 伊娃 Purchase Orders require the entry of a purchase order (PO) category. Purchase order categories are entered on the 'Add Title' screen of the 伊娃 purchase requisition in the PO Category field. 下面列出了正确使用PO类别的指南.

      • R01 -程序: Should be used for all routine purchases with the exception of the exempt categories orders (see Exempt Category List below).
      • S01 -唯一来源: 应该只用于单一来源采购吗 超过$10,000.
      • E01 -紧急情况: 应该只用于紧急购买吗.
      • X02 -豁免条款: Should be used for purchases for one of the 伊娃 exempt categories listed below.

      的 following 采购 Types are for use in the "Header Section" of ALL requisitions and will be a required field. 的 采购 Transaction Type should be selected to best fit the overall purchase on your requisition. 的re will be situations where requisitions include a mix of products and services, in these cases we need to determine the 'over all' purchase or use the 50% Rule.

      • 建设
      • 合作采购
      • 能效
      • 设备-非技术
      • 设备-技术
      • 格兰特的机会
      • 公路建设
      • 进口
      • 非采购或其他
      • 非专业服务-非技术
      • 非专业服务-技术
      • PPEA /项目前期技术援助
      • 印刷
      • 专业服务
      • 专业服务-与建筑有关
      • 不动产
      • 物料供应-非科技
      • 供应-科技
      • 盈余


      的 document below provides steps to check a supplier's status in Banner. 供应商必须在Banner,以便向他们发放付款.


      所有超过5,000美元的采购交易必须输入伊娃. 如果供应商没有伊娃注册, we strongly encourage them to get registered to do business with the University.

      完成要求的培训后,完成 伊娃用户申请及可接受使用确认表格 并服从于 procurement@shadleysoapstone.com.

      伊娃的培训 is provided by 采购服务 and online 游 training is required before a new 伊娃 account is issued.

      伊娃注册信息可在此找到 http://www.伊娃.维吉尼亚州.政府 或致电866-289-7367/804-371-2525联系长荣客户服务部,或发送电子邮件至 伊娃CustomerCare@dgs.维吉尼亚州.政府

      是的. 你可以在我们的网站上找到更多信息 供应商伊娃 页面.

      首先,你应该要求供应商注册. 如果他们拒绝, you must ask the vendor to submit a Commonwealth of Virginia Substitute W-9 form (found on the Office of Finance's website) to procuement@shadleysoapstone.com. 采购服务 will then submit the vendor information to 伊娃 for them to become state registered. 的 process takes 3-5 business days for 伊娃 to complete the IRS verification and load the vendor into 伊娃.

      No, if you use multiple vendors on one purchase requisition you will get multiple POs.


      请参阅 伊娃用户指南,幻灯片号. 63直通滑梯号. 64.

      请参阅 伊娃用户指南 更改命令部分.

      Only the original requestor can create a change order and must add a note in the comments section clarifying why the change was created. 变更订单只能在成本/数量发生变化时执行. 变更单不应该做会计变更. 从来没有 删除行项目. You can zero out the unit price and note in the description the reason for the change.

      请参阅 伊娃用户指南,幻灯片号. 43号直通滑梯. 47.

      每个伊娃帐户都有电子邮件通知首选项. 的 default setting is setup to send emails immediately whether your PR has been fully approved, 被拒绝或等待批准. 您可以调整这些设置以适应您的需要.

      请参阅 伊娃用户指南,幻灯片号. 29号直通滑梯. 34.

      请参阅 伊娃用户指南,幻灯片号. 48直通滑梯号. 51.

      从伊娃的主页面选择Reports & Documents link on the left hand side, on the next screen click on the Advanced Tools Tab. 在供应商报告下,选择“查找基本供应商”报告. This will search vendor info by tax id number and will ensure correct selection of vendor for those who trade under a different name (i.e. Springhill Suite is BBL) also ensures match with BANNER import or need for a W9.

      从伊娃的主页面选择Reports & Documents link on the left hand side, on the next screen click on the Advanced Tools tab. Under 应付账款 Tools select "Purchase Order Report" (under description.)点击描述左侧的链接, 会出现另一个屏幕, 输入您的购买订单号并点击提交.

      的 new fiscal year period is generally opened in 伊娃 around the first week of June and shall be used only for goods/services that will be read and paid for in the new fiscal year. 这些po要到7月1日才会导入BANNER.

      A complete list of sub-account codes are listed on the Budget Offices website under 费用分帐.


      In the "ship to" drop down menu select Central Receiving/Property Control. This is a requirement to ensure timely tagging for inventory and required documentation in BANNER.

      选择被拒绝的PR,向下滚动到评论字段. 当PR被拒绝时,评论就会出现在这里. Once changes have been made you can resubmit the PR by selecting submit.

      纳税申报表 & 指令
